Introduction of our school-based
RWI programme and features


Reporter: What is the target and purpose of RWI?

Miss Cheung: Read Write Inc. Phonics helps students to read accurately and fluently. It can strengthen their comprehension skills. It allows students to learn how to form each letter and spell each word. First students learn to read the 44 sounds and blend them into words. Then they learn to read the same sounds with alternative graphemes.

Reporter: What are the features of the RWI programme?

Miss Cheung: From P.1-3, we have 3 lessons of RWI per week and integrate the skills into the G.E. programme. While from P.4-6 students, they will have a school-based reading and writing programme with authentic books. Students will complete all the pure sounds after their first 3 years in our school. They will be able to use their blending and segmenting skills to spell and create their own sentences by the time they get to P.4.





Set 1 sounds


Green storybooks

Complete 26 pure sounds

Blending pure sounds will greatly improve their comprehension skills


Set 2 sounds

Pink storybooks

Complete 90% of the pure sounds

Able to write complete sentences


Set 3 sounds

Orange storybooks

Complete 100% of the pure sounds

Able to write short paragraphs


Set 1

Set 2

Set 3


Reporter: How does RWI help students in learning English at school?

Miss Cheung:  Applying RWI in English learning at school can enhance students’ writing and spelling skills. It helps students to learn the correct letter formation and how to join letters speedily and accurately. Reading RWI storybooks and ditties allow students to do composition based on their own experiences and the stories they’ve read. Students can apply segmenting and blending skills to enhance their vocabulary and develop their comprehension skills. The blending and segmenting skills help students identify the pure sounds in each word, so that they can write what they hear and master better spelling, writing and speaking skills. 

Sound chart

Miss Cheung Hoi Yan




P.1 lesson sharing

Teachers said each sound at speed and P.1 students wrote them down on paper as a revision exercise.

Teachers used pictures to help students visualize the letters. They needed to practise handwriting under the guidance of their teachers.

P.1 students learned and practised set one sounds using the booklet.

Teachers used the picture sound cards to introduce different sounds.


P.2 lesson sharing

P.2 students read the story aloud with expression.

P.2 students were counting the number of sounds in a word. They were trying to spell with Fred Fingers.

Instead of saying the words directly, teachers did Fred talk. Teachers said the sounds and students said the words. It helps students to blend the sounds together.

Teachers introduced a story by displaying the storybook pictures.


P.3 lesson sharing

Students read the story three times. Fluency and comprehension increase with repeated reading.

Teachers introduced the Storybook Green Words by using visual support in order to help students to understand the story.

Students marked their own work with guidance from teachers. It helps training students' awareness on their learning.

P.3 students practised reading the sounds with reference to the Complex Speed Sound poster.


Teacher conference

Teachers were having a sharing session on teaching RWI with Adeline.

Teachers are looking forward to having further sharing and discussions on RWI.


Students’ Feedback On RWI

3B Felix Po

I am confident to write independently. My writing is improving because I can build longer sentences and make good use of different vocabularies.

2B Timothy Tang

I can spell complex words confidently and accurately by segmenting the sounds in words. I always do well in my dictations.

2B Cecilia Sze

I make use of my phonic knowledge and skills to read ‘tricky’ words on sight. It helps to improve my reading ability.

3B Hymns Yip

I am able to read some difficult words by using Fred talk and blending skills. I can read aloud with fluency and expression.

1C Hazel Luk

I like learning phonics. It is very interesting. I am able to read new words in storybooks.