General Studies

To value learning experiences and construct students’ self-directed learning in different aspects.



  • To incorporate self-directed learning elements into our school-based curriculum



  • In order to improve the communicative skills of our students, we will integrate training on expressing scientific concepts with images into our lessons so that students can use images to explain the concepts in their scientific experiments. 



  • According to our teacher questionnaire, 85% of subject teachers agreed that the teaching material could improve students’ ability to learn independently. Teachers agreed that the teaching material related to communication and research skills could be effectively implemented and carried out in the classroom.
  • According to the test results, Primary Three to Primary Six students all got good marks in the section of expressing scientific concepts in images with an average rate of over 80%. It reflected that students had mastered the skill of using illustrations and texts to convey abstract scientific principles and attempted to provide a solution using their comprehension.

Using images and texts to illustrate the scientific concepts of the formation of shadows and plate tectonics


Objective II

  • To incorporate feedback and reflection in teaching discussions



  • In lesson preparations, subject teachers have to choose at least one task and discuss how to give feedback with other teachers.



  • In regular lesson preparations, subject teachers actively expressed their opinions, such as in-depth discussions on the feasibility and arrangement of teaching materials. According to our teacher questionnaire, 85% of our subject teachers said that they had mastered the skill of giving feedback. This showed that our lesson preparations are effective that our teachers can pick up different ways of providing feedback and apply these skills into their lessons.  


Teachers discuss with each other different ways to give feedback.